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Routine Amidst a Changing Schedule

These past 30 days, and the next 30 days, if we're being honest, have/will be a combination of both chaos and peace all tied into one. I am so lucky and blessed to be able to travel as often as I have been recently, with the only major con being a lack of a consistent schedule.

Being someone that operates best when I have everything planned, it's been tough for me to have both an ever-changing schedule, as well as getting back into a routine. Despite all the 'getting back on track' youtube videos that one could watch, it's a lot different when you actually have to do the work yourself.

A few things I am currently focusing on to try and promote some stability...

  1. A quick 3-minute morning journal. While something I admittedly did not do while in Florida this past week, it works to help settle my mind, and focus my brain on what I have to accomplish for the coming morning, afternoon, etc.

  2. When I can, a 30-minute walk in the morning. This just helps to promote some movement throughout the day, even when I know I'll spend most of my day traveling, working, etc. It really helps to calm me, and similarly to journaling, helps me center my mind for the day.

  3. Drinking water! This one is super easy to do, and anyone can do it anywhere. (With few exceptions, but for the most part..) The benefits of being hydrated make it hard to ignore how important water is on a daily basis. Plus, drinking a big glass of water in the morning helps to wake me up, and start the day on the right note.

For me, I find it easiest to do these things in the morning. It helps me get my day started, and helps me to 'stay on track.' There are other things though, that I've been struggling with. For example, maintaining a consistent workout routine, especially with being exhausted some days. Eating primarily whole foods, as anyone who travels knows that airport dining doesn't always promote snacking on carrots... as well as a consistent sleep schedule.

The good thing, however, is I know this is a temporary period in my life. (Both good, and bad, since I adore the ability to travel). Despite a lack of consistency in my schedule right now, and not always being where I want to be from an athletic/health standpoint, I acknowledge that each day I start anew, with a new opportunity to grow, change, and make new decisions. Life is short, and after COVID stopped travel for the past 2 years, I am eager to get back out there and experience all the world has to offer. There will be a time when my schedule eases back up, and I can refocus more of my time onto a workout routine, prepping meals, meditation, etc. but for now, I'm going where life takes me and enjoying all it has to offer!

So, enjoy this quick and simple blog post, and go out and enjoy your day! Whatever that may look like for you!

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