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Find Joy: How Journaling (& other things) Saved My Life

Social media is filled with a wide variety of influencers / individuals who will tell you that an active journaling / gratitude practice will help change your perspective. I've always held a sort of skepticism towards written gratitude / prayer since I didn't understand the importance of putting pen to paper, and being able to visibly see the words on a page. I've never kept it a secret that I've struggled with major depression / suicidal thoughts. This past fall though, it hit a point where I realized that I needed to actively work to change my perspective each and every day. Just going to therapy and talking about why/how I was struggling wasn't enough.

I decided to start being more regimented with both my prayer routine, as well as my practice of gratitude. Every day, I try to spend 10-15 minutes (minimum) journaling and then writing down 3-4 things I am grateful for. Even the little moments (such as being grateful for a bowl of oatmeal), are included in my list of gratitude. Forming a regular practice of getting out of my own head has also allowed me to become more grateful for the moments in the day that suck, but to see them from a different perspective. What really kickstarted this change was back in October when I was sitting in daily mass, journaling / spending time in prayer, trying to decipher why I felt so sad. I come from a good supportive family, I live a good life, I have hobbies, etc., and it dawned on me that there is a joy in suffering if we can shift our perspective. Sometimes we are put in seasons of life that are less (seemingly) joyful than others, but the practice of prayer/gratitude truly did change my perspective around those times of life. Additional side note to habits that have changed my life :

  • Alcohol Free - This may be more of a personal preference, as I don't know the exact

    science behind it, but not drinking alcohol on a regular basis has improved my mental health drastically. I didn't think that regularly prior to the past year, but staying sober has allowed me to take control of my days/feel more productive/decrease anxiety/etc.

  • Low Impact Workouts - I am a huge runner, however, combining running + pilates/walking has been the perfect balance for me emotionally. (Physically I am very sore 24/7).

  • A nighttime / morning routine - Another personal preference but having an outlife of things I do every morning / every night allows me to learn/acknowledge how lucky I am to have the comfortability to be able to establish routines that involve a morning coffee, and reading new books at night.

  • Learning to be okay solo - I've found a new appreciation for 'solo-dates' (which I will dive into deeper at a later time) but learning to be by myself allows me to not rush into friendships that can feel draining. When you change the way your approach relationships to something slower, something that takes time, something you allow to develop, it lets you decide if something is really good for you, and to build true/meaningful friendships.

  • Starting a new hobby - I heard the other day if you have time to be anxious / depressed you have time to try a new hobby. While it can feel impossible starting a new hobby when basic tasks can feel so difficult, finding that new hobby to kickstart creativity gave me a new appreciation for learning / creating.

Anywho, that's all my brain has for everyone today. Thank you for joining me on this journey of life, and supporting a space that is truly just an emotional dump/practice of creativity for me. You are all so loved!


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Your opinion is valued and heard by me - Thank you!

Year of 2024 - Reese Oberski

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